What Jayne’s Clients Are Saying
“Jayne is simply miraculous to work with. So encouraging and insightful, she has helped me face difficult truths, resulting in terrific outcomes, and guided me deeper into self knowledge. She has a lovely sense of humor and a profound understanding of human nature, from the biggest spiritual questions to the most practical details. My life has been greatly blessed and enriched by my ongoing work with her.”
~ Carrington

“I have had the pleasure of working with Jayne for over a year and WOW! Her gentle guidance and insight has been more effective for my emotional and spiritual life than any other type of therapy or coaching. She has helped me understand the significant value and tools that come with truly loving and seeing myself, which has overflowed into being in much healthier (and more enjoyable!) partnership with my significant other. I have been able to let go of so many old patterns and unconscious habits that were not serving me or those that I care about. My heart is overflowing with gratitude for Jayne and her unconditional, kind, generous, and effective work.”
~ Mallory

“Jayne’s ability to intuitively pinpoint my emotional blocks to loving myself and others more freely has been very liberating. Our work together has brought me an awakened sense of myself, acceptance for what has been, and peace knowing that I can create the kind of relationships I desire in the future.”
~ Amber

“Working with Jayne has allowed me to show up more present in my relationships without expectations or needing to hide my true self. I have a new found confidence that helps me to be more relaxed about things that normally stress me out or bring out insecurities. You never cease to amaze me, Jayne, with the gifts and talents you bring to the world.”
~ Larina

“I just completed a very profound and remarkable Soul Retrieval session with Jayne. The way she facilitated the process allowed me to see that the inability of owning my truth, speaking up for myself, stating my needs and desires in relationships were all related to some painful experiences within my formative years. Having this level of insight and wisdom has freed me to live fully from my heart without fear of rejection or abandonment.”
~ Elizabeth

“Jayne is a truly insightful and gifted coach. Our work has helped me heal from emotional wounds of the past, and has significantly improved the quality of my current relationships. The work we have done has deepened my spiritual growth, and strengthened my intuition and trust in myself. The confidence and peace I’ve felt as a result of our sessions is amazing. Highly recommend!”
~ Christine

“I was so blissed out when we did our Full Moon Kayak Meditation on the water! I was like . . . I’m so happy, I’m so blessed, I’m so joyful, I’m so grateful, I’m so excited! I was actually trying to remember my problems! Ha!”
~ Johanna

“Thank you for last night’s Full Moon Kayak Meditation! That was profound and I loved each and every woman there! Thanks for bringing us together and for your gifts!”
~ Melanie