Turn your destiny into an inspiring reality

You know you’re destined for something greater, but you don’t know what.
You know it’s time to make a serious change, but you don’t know how.

You know you have a healing medicine to share with the world.  You know you carry a powerful light.  What you don’t know is, how to make the transition from where you are to where you want to be.

Turn your destiny into an inspiring reality

You know you’re destined for something greater, but you don’t know what.
You know it’s time to make a serious change, but you don’t know how.

You know you have a healing medicine to share with the world.  You know you carry a powerful light.  What you don’t know is, how to make the transition from where you are to where you want to be.

Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place!

I, too, had to learn how to navigate really difficult transitions.  They aren’t easy, especially when you’re struggling with issues around:

  • Self-worth and value
  • Clarity and focus
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of identity
  • Emotional wounding
  • Depleting relationships
  • Loss and grief
  • A job you feel trapped in

I get it.  I also know, when we’re feeling this way, how easy it is to procrastinate and make excuses, “when this, then that.”  I did the same thing.  Except, “when this” actually happened, I bailed and didn’t keep my promises.

Well, you’ve definitely come to the right place!

I, too, had to learn how to navigate really difficult transitions.  They aren’t easy, especially when you’re struggling with issues around:

  • Self-worth and value
  • Clarity and focus
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Lack of motivation
  • Loss of identity
  • Emotional wounding
  • Depleting relationships
  • Loss and grief
  • A job you feel trapped in

I get it.  I also know, when we’re feeling this way, how easy it is to procrastinate and make excuses, “when this, then that.”  I did the same thing.  Except, “when this” actually happened, I bailed and didn’t keep my promises.

Here’s a question for you. 

If not now, when? 

When you have more time?  When you feel more worthy and deserving?  When you have more money?  When the kids are grown?  When you think you have enough education and skills?  When you’ve become spiritual enough, healed enough, and valued enough?  When you gain enough support and approval from friends and family?  When the holidays are over?  Tell me . . . If not now, when?

If you say to a medicine man or medicine woman, “I want to step into my destiny and dream a new dream for myself and the world.”  They will say, “Great!  How about tonight?”

So, what do you say?  Are you ready?

Preparing for Destiny

Personalized 1:1 coaching focuses specifically on you and your healing.  Our journey together will be an inspiring co-creation of liberating you from past trauma, awakening your destined potential, and empowering you with ancient alchemy teachings used for manifesting by indigenous people.  

Integrating Plant Medicine

Integrative coaching is available to those of you who have sat in ceremony with Ayahuasca, Psilocybin, San Padro, Kambo, and other plant ceremonies.  It is vitally important you integrate the messages given to you by the Master Plants and how they may further your growth and healing.  

Best Coach Ever!!!!!

“I have experienced executive coaching in the past, and hands down, Jayne’s approach has been the most impactful and productive use of my time.   Her approach with energetic medicine, intuitive work, and overall ability to hold space so I was seen and heard in a place of psychological safety afforded me to show up as the best version of myself.

If you feel stuck, there’s a sense that you’re not living the best version of yourself, Jayne will assist you in creating a new map to help you reach your highest destiny.”

~ Kim

About Jayne Clark

In 2005 I began my journey of professionally coaching others.  Over the past 16 years, my work has changed and evolved into what it is today.   As an Energy Medicine Coach, I teach and coach clients how to use their own “Tezcatlipoca” moment to reclaim their sense of self-worth and value so they, too, may turn their destiny into reality.

One fundamental principal to my coaching is helping clients understand that Destiny is what naturally occurs when we heal unresolved trauma.  The Tezcatlipoca moment is simply the “moment of truth”.  It’s the moment that says, “No more running.  It’s time to get honest and take a really hard look at yourself.”